
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Crock-pot Macaroni and meatballs

I usually get the weekends off, but once every other month, i have to work one. My weekend is coming up, so i have today and tomorrow off. This morning, i decided to tackle the house. I decided the place was borderline pig-sty and it was time to clean and purge! I threw dinner in the crock pot and ended up getting through 3 rooms and have about a dozen ads on Kijiji and Freecycle. Dinner tonight was simple. I made some meatballs out of a pound of hamburger, a garlic clove, 1/4 of an onion (both chopped fine), some shredded Parmesan and a generous sprinkle of Mrs Dash.  I threw them in the large crock pot for an hour on high to let them cook. After they were cooked, i took them out and threw them in the small one, to get rid of the grease. 

On top of these i poured a jar of Parmesan & Romano pasta sauce. I gave it a stir and let it simmer for another hour. At about 4:30 i stirred in just under a cup of macaroni and by about a quarter to 6 it was ready to serve! 

I served 4 meatballs per dish with a sprinkle of Mozza cheese. The sauce was a little bland, i think next time it will need more garlic or something. But it was filling and different, and i have enough for tomorrow! 

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